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Ask The Tick

As you might recall, I ride the Tick, the Northwest's premier vanpool, to work. I have decided to start a new, very popular feature of my blog called "Ask the Tick." In this very popular new feature, you will pose a question and I will put it to the members of the Tick to answer on the ride home.

Tick News Sidebar: One member of the Tick, Lucky, left us recently for grad school. I was very pleased wiht her goodbye gift, which was a Tick calendar featuring glossy photos of the Tick in transit and at rest: interior, exterior; profile, portrait... rear view.

I can't lie to you. It is one hell of a calendar.


But back to business. I have great faith in my vanpool, and I bet they can answer your question, especially if it is about:

  • developing for CRM and some other products I don't remember
  • something about analytics services or models and theorems in SQL Server something services, or something
  • the Microsoft library
  • Windows Live
  • Office Communication Server group chat
  • pivot tables
  • HR violations
  • Rock climbing, shapenote singing, or restaurants in Seattle's premier neighborhoods of Wallingford and Ballard

So, go on.

Ask the Tick.

We've got nothing to do, anyway, but drive home.