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Price reduction on retiring exams (and VS/SQL upgrade exams)

Complete your Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD), Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD), or Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) certification or upgrade your certifications to Visual Studio 2005 or SQL Server 2005 with a 40 percent automatic price reduction on retiring and upgrade exams. The price reduction is valid on:

This is not an “offer,” meaning you don’t need a code or voucher or anything. To get the reduced price, you just register like usual with Prometric at any worldwide location. Across the board, all of the exams listed below will be priced 40% less than the normal price, permanently. We’re doing this to encourage people to finish up their MCAD, MCSD, or MCDBA certifications before the underlying exams retire. And, of course we want to encourage people who have certifications on older technologies to upgrade.

Last time we retired exams we allowed a “grace period,” where people could complete their exams for a little while after the official retire date, to accommodate people who didn't know in advance or couldn't get a seat in time. Even though that was well intentioned (this just in: we actually prefer that you are not mad at us) the grace period also caused confusion for people who stuck to the dates we announced, and I don't think we'll do that again. So, we’ll try and let everyone know well in advance in case one of these exams is on your to-do list. We're sending out a notice sometime this coming week with a reminder of retiring exams and notice about the price reduction. But not everyone gets that - so please help get the word out.

Here are the exams with reduced price: