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SQL Server 2008 certifications

Just reminding you that we're doing a live meeting in two days to review (and update you) on our SQL Server 2008 certifications. This will be good for people new to certification, because we'll explain the certs that are available and how to get them. For those of you with an MCDBA or SQL 2005 cert, we'll review the upgrade paths and timing and preview some money-saving news. For everyone, it is a great chance to ask specific questions of our product managers. In this case, Jeff Koch.

Jeff Koch! You can't go wrong.

Learn more and register.

I'll poast the link here after the meeting. Or, if you register, you'll get an e-mail with the recording link, directly, which will save you from having to return one more time to this unsavory blog. Not a blog you'd like to read in a dark alley, if you know what I mean. The wrong side of the blogging tracks, this is. Not a blog you'd take home to meet your mother.
