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Random Thoughts from TechEd 2008

It looks like the topic of TechEd this year evolves around new rendering/layout technologies, like WPF and Silverlight. There are already many ISVs out there selling controls built on top of these new technologies. I was listening to a presentation about Silverlight running on Windows Mobile at TechEd today. At MIX it was announced that we are planning to release Silverlight for Windows Mobile devices and that we will have a technical preview by the end of the year. People were really excited to hear that.

I am not one to review devices, but today was a special day. I had the chance to play with the new HTC Diamond device. The device was impressive. HTC did a really impressive job on top of Windows Mobile 6.1. The device is slim, high-resolution (640x480), FM receiver, WiFi, bluetooth, touch sensors and some kind of a accelerometer... well, you can get the specs from the website. It is a great mixture of software and platform. In short, the device is delightful.

Other than that, I will be presenting tomorrow on how to increase the compatibility and usability of your Windows Mobile application. If you are here at TechEd, it would be great to see you.

 -Luis Cabrera
Windows Mobile Shell SDE