Yi Zhang's MSDN Blog
Everything about the CLR - interop / WinRT / and other random stuff
.NET publicly has documented 4 kind of handles: Weak (also called Short Weak) - Don’t keep target...
Date: 02/08/2018
Last time we’ve looked at using ctypes to call C API, and writing extension module using Python/C...
Date: 02/02/2018
In my previous post we’ve briefly looked at using ctypes module to call C APIs. In this post let’s...
Date: 01/27/2018
Recently I’ve been evaluating Python interop technologies for a project at work and I think it’ll...
Date: 01/20/2018
I’ve been experimenting with coroutines recently and I found that information on C++ coroutines are...
Date: 10/28/2017
It is sort of puzzling for me why C++ standard doesn't have a implementation of reader/writer lock....
Date: 10/07/2017
If you come from a C++ programming background, you are most likely already familiar with C++’s...
Date: 04/01/2017
I recently had some really interesting discussion with a .NET typesystem expert in the team, and...
Date: 03/19/2017
I haven't posted in a good while - it's because I've been busy working on .NET native! Now that...
Date: 03/12/2017
I've seen enough people asking about this so I thought I should talk about this in my blog. They see...
Date: 03/21/2014
Even though I work on .NET interop and WinRT these days, async/await is still the one topic that...
Date: 03/16/2014
It's easier to explain this in an example. Let’s say you have a export function in your native DLL:...
Date: 02/07/2013
I'm seeing many people reporting that they are seeing strange P/invoke issues when they moved their...
Date: 01/24/2013
Let's first start by looking at a small code snippet: if (Marshal.GetHRForException(myException) ==...
Date: 01/18/2013
I learned this debugging trick from a colleague a few days ago when we are debugging a bug together...
Date: 03/07/2011
I recently got Samsung Focus but it doesn’t get recognized by the Zune Software – it says “No device...
Date: 12/21/2010
What is 0x8013XXXX Occasionally you might run into mysterious HRESULTs returned from .NET that...
Date: 12/17/2010