This blog is not updated anymore. Follow me on Twitter!/roberdan
Date: 12/20/2010
Date: 03/15/2009
Prima di ricominciare a mantenere questo blog vediamo di stabilire alcune “regole” di base: Title:...
Date: 03/02/2009
vediamo chi c'è ancora e da dove si può ricominciare a costruire un discorso che, ammetto,...
Date: 03/01/2009
It is with deepest regret that we have to announce the death of Patrick Tisseghem, co-founder of...
Date: 09/05/2008
I’ll be in Japan, let me know if some sharepointer is around. thx Roberdan
Date: 07/28/2008
Date: 07/15/2008
See more skate, snow, surf, and moto videos at Shred or Die
Date: 07/13/2008
Ciao , con questa email ti annunciamo ufficialmente il lancio della Microsoft SharePoint Conference...
Date: 07/04/2008
Date: 07/03/2008
Date: 06/27/2008
[Contesto]: ieri (20.06.2008) ero a [Londra] per fare la review [valutazione FY08] col mio capo [JW]...
Date: 06/21/2008
very good reading on Gianpaolo’s blog:...
Date: 06/20/2008
I tried it from Joel’s blog and it’s pretty cool.
Date: 06/19/2008
good interview to our Community Zen Master
Date: 06/17/2008
Nine companies are saying "yes," having recently launched Enterprise 2.0 offerings that...
Date: 06/15/2008
per una volta (forse l’unica) che faccio un regalo guarda che risultato :-) da adesso in poi…niente,...
Date: 06/10/2008
fantastico! non ho parole…glielo spiegate voi ora a mia moglie che internet c’è sempre, il 7x24 etc...
Date: 06/09/2008
Yes, I’m a great fan of that! mainly because we use a lot internally at...
Date: 06/09/2008
thx Pierg PierG Recent Crash PierG Mon, 09 Jun 2008 13:03:08 GMT
Date: 06/09/2008
source: more cool news...
Date: 06/09/2008
ScienceDaily (Jun. 4, 2008) — Employers seeking to decrease interruptions may want to have their...
Date: 06/09/2008
Repost: how we did NewsGator Social Sites 2.0 - Enhanced Social Computing on the SharePoint Platform
Date: 06/09/2008
Date: 06/07/2008
as you know I’m using that outlook add-in and it helps me a lot
Date: 06/07/2008
Date: 06/06/2008
all of our protocols, SIP extensions, presence info etc for Office Communications Server are...
Date: 06/03/2008
Date: 05/28/2008
amici e amiche, vi prego: aiutate il Bandinelli! ormai è li oltre oceano da un mese e non ce la...
Date: 05/25/2008
"You get to be addicted to it," he said. "When you don't have it, then you feel like, 'Now I have to run the meeting in a different way.'"
Microsoft Conference Device Drives Volvo Meetings Volvo IT estimates that just the Microsoft...
Date: 05/22/2008
Gates Demonstrates Touch Wall (4 min 39 sec) Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates demonstrates Touch Wall,...
Date: 05/16/2008
Date: 05/12/2008
Video: Umberto Paolucci all'Entrepreneurship Forum
Date: 05/09/2008
Link: senza parole!
Date: 05/09/2008
Decatec (ed il sottoscritto :-) e' lieta di poterVi invitare all'evento su Sharepoint 2007 a Roma -...
Date: 05/08/2008
Date: 05/08/2008
Date: 05/07/2008
I'm happy to share with you these recorded sessions delivered by my CATM collegue Thomas Reimer (...
Date: 04/25/2008
I knot that's not exactly technology-related but, guys, I still can't believe that I (you,...
Date: 04/21/2008
PressPass: What is “Albany”? Gordon: “Albany” is the codename for a new...
Date: 04/21/2008
Hi there, today I reccomend 2 things: 1. read that great post from Arpan: SharePoint = Platform (and...
Date: 04/21/2008
Date: 04/20/2008
Explore Office SharePoint Server 2007 with training from Microsoft experts, right from your desktop....
Date: 04/17/2008
Date: 04/17/2008 stavo guardando la lista degli oratori su questo sito...
Date: 04/14/2008
Repost from...
Date: 04/14/2008
thx to Gigi: reti sociali vs culture source: Le Monde
Date: 04/14/2008
friends cross your fingers for us! or at least prepare a room for me and my wife ;-)
Date: 04/13/2008
a very good way to spend 1,5 h is that video from a lecture at MIT from Tom Fridman on his book...
Date: 04/12/2008
Date: 04/10/2008