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VSSDK August CTP Available

Please visit the download page to see the latest available downloads.  The August CTP of the VSSDK which works with VS2005 Beta2 is now available.

There are two new samples in this version that are considered to be "reference" implementations.  The first is a simple package that contains support for Help About, Splash Screen and a Package Load Key.  The second is a MenuAndCommands package that shows how to create some commands: simple, dynamic text, dynamic visibility and also how to place a command group on a pre-existing toolbar or context menu.

We hope you'll like the new samples.  Take a look at the comprehensive commenting and the overviews.  In the future we hope to make the overviews even more readable.  We have more reference samples on the way so please continue to watch for monthly updates.

By the way, we do hope to produce a CTP of the VS SDK that matches the August CTP of Visual Studio when that comes out.  Stay tuned...
