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.NET sources to be available with Visual Studio 2008 [Inbar Gazit]

Have you ever wanted to look inside some of the BCL methods? Have you ever wondered about some exception thrown by our code? Are you curious to see what comments BCL developers write in their code?

Well, soon you’ll be able to do all of these things. Starting with the release of Visual Studio 2008 it will be possible to “step into” most of the .NET Framework code and see the same code our developers are using!

The sources will be available for reference only and the only way to obtain them is while debugging using Visual Studio 2008. Once you step into any .NET Framework method — VS will use information in the pdb to download the particular source file so that you can step into that code.

However, you will not be able to rebuild or modify the code or redistribute it.

Please see the official announcement in Scott Guthrie’s blog

If you have any questions about this — feel free to let us know.