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New ASP.NET "How Do I" videos on "Atlas" and other cool new pages of content

Joe Stagner has released the first 2 "How Do I" Videos in his new series on learning "Atlas."  We have had so much success with the short "How Do I" video format that we plan on releasing tons and tons more of these over the course of the year.  I know you will enjoy it.  Also, we've added some new design flair to the site so be sure to explore -- you'll find it easier then ever to find more content then you can handle ;) -- check out the new videos page, essential downloads, books page, starter kits, live webcasts, data tutorials, and more.

We are also just beginning work on a *huge* overhaul to our experience -- we probably won't be able to show you much of the work until towards the end of the year, but we are investing a significant amount of time, resources, and money to take this site to the next level -- with cool new features (i'll post more about this in a few weeks) and a more effective look/feel and IA.