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Smart Client Software Factory for Visual Studio 2008 close to shipping

Now that Web Client Software Factory Shipped and the team is focusing on Prism (the composite scenario on WPF), we are getting customers asking when SCSF and CAB for Visual Studio 2008 will ship. I am happy to say that we are working on porting SCSF and CAB to Visual Studio 2008. We anticipate shipping this release somewhere between tax day (April 15th for those outside of the US) and the end of April.

Mike recently described an issue with unit test we found during the port of the code from VS2005 to VS2008 that you should check out. At this point, we need to finish the installer and final testing. Once that is done we will publish the release on MSDN. This new release will require an upgrade of GAX/GAT to the February 2008 release.

As part of the release process, we will publish the SCSF and CAB documentation on MSDN. We also did this for WCSF.