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Registered and ready to go...TechReady1

Arrived in Seattle late last night after a marathon 21 hour journey. There are just too many people headed into Seattle this weekend - all the good flights are full. 

There were a couple of plus points to the journey. We got fabulous views of the glaciers of southern Greenland as we came across the Atlantic, and coming into Seattle we had the awesome sight of Mount Rainier at sunset.


So here I am registered and ready to go for the our annual conference for MS technical field people. I am looking forward to finding out about plans for Office 12 clients and servers along with the latest Longhorn..erm..Vista news. It'll take me a while yet to get used to the new name.


I suspect most of what we hear this week will need to stay under wraps until PDC, but I'll try and post what I can this week without getting into trouble ;)