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Community Convergence XLII

Welcome to the forty-second issue of Community Convergence. The last few weeks have found me working hard and late. We have had a successful internal C# community review, and that means I have been gathering statistics on all the projects we've been working on for the C# Community. I now have a deep statistical understanding of our forums, connect, developer center and blogs. I have also been studying internal projects that are not directly applicable to the broader community. What have I learned? I'm not sure, but I have a lot of statistical evidence to support it!

While assembling data for the review, I was confronted continuously by the strength of the C# community. Your interest in C# has fueled growth in the forums, the developer center and the blogs. That is a tribute to your interest in development, to your creativity, to your passion for the intricate and fascinating work that can be done with a C# compiler and a fully engaged imagination.

The one thing that does stand out from the review is how many intelligent, engaged people there are in the C# community. But you don't need to study our statistics to see that. All you need do is click through the links listed below in this week's edition of Community Convergence. Even when the C# team is heads down working on new code, stalwart community types like Eric Lippert and Ed Maurer can find time to engage us with interesting posts. Out in the broader C# community, I've found dazzling material from Tomas Petricek, Joe Duffy, Chuck J, Greg Young, and many others. Thank you all. Your great work is the real evidence of the health of the C# community.

From the C# Team

Eric Lippert

Ed Maurer

Kirill Osenkov

Charlie Calvert

From the C# Community

Tomas Petricek

Mohammed Hossam

Joe Duffy

Burton Smith
Chuck Jazdzewski

Greg Young

Scott Hanselman


Scot Guthrie

Mark Wisecarver

Charles Petzold

Leniel Macaferi


Joseph Albahari

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