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Awards for OneNote

We've had a good week here last week on the OneNote team. First, we heard that we had won a Microsoft internal award for “Best Software User Experience” at our Design Day 2004. This is an event that is held each year as a kind of internal conference on design. One of our users had entered us into the competition, and we ended up winning in our category. It is nice to be recognized by your peers...

Then later that afternoon, we heard that eWeek had awarded us its “eWeek eXcellence” award in the personal productivity category. You can read more about it here:,1759,1559948,00.asp.

We had previously won an award in Italy and in the UK (PC Plus Editor's choice). So that brings our “medal count” to four.

I usually discount awards since it is so easy for me to see the flaws in anything I work on, but today I was holding the actual lucite block for the Design Day 2004 award and that made it a little more real. It was kind of weird to feel that other people had decided something you and your friends had made was worth giving you an *award* for.
