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I hate tabs in web browsers

Ok, i seriously don't get tabs on Windows.  Hell, i don't
get tabs on OSX either.  In the latter there's a great system
called Exposé for that, and in the former the task bar does the job
just great.  Once i start using tabs though things go all to
hell.  On OSX i can't tell which FireFox/Safari window has the tab
i want (since it's too small), and similarly in windows i find myself
scanning the taskbar for a site i was looking at, but i can't find it
because the task bar entry only lists the site that is the currently
active tab.  This makes it so difficult to actually find the site
i want and it ends up being far slower than just having a window
available for each site.

Rumors have it that the next IE will have tabs too, but if they're
like the current form that we're seeing in other browsers like FireFox
and Maxthon, i'm curious what's the point.  Why not have a tab
system that allows you to not open up new windows *but* which is also
easy for the user to for users to find the sites they were looking
for.  How about a system where instead of tabs you have something
like the OSX dock where you would see miniture versions of the web
pages you were out?  Or something where if you hovered over an
item in the taskbar/dock it would overlay that dock-like image above
it.  Then i wouldn't have to constantly be alt-tabbing or
restoring/minimizing through my browsers to find the right page.

As far as i can tell, tabs just exist to violate the existing window
managment systems i have in the OSs i use.  So all the built-in
ways i know to use my system fly out the window (no pun intended).


New idea: If I Exposé my windows then all safari tabs should fly out and be shown in the Exposéd
view.  Then if i select a web page that i want then safari should
be brought to focus with the appropriate tab selected.  That would
be *awesome*