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Don't be stingy, get blogging!

I've always been fascinated by the language of developers. I don't mean C# or VB.NET either, I mean the way two or more developers talk when they get together; whether it's about the latest project they're working on, or a great webcast the recently watched.

So this week, I've been adding a very topical point into my conversations with architects and developers, the good new blog. And with Frank being named as Australia's #1 business blogger, I thought it was time to get a call to action happening.

Now over the last few weeks, I've had some awesome conversations, with consultants, architects, developers, project managers, you name it. And approximately 90% of the people I had these conversations with said "No" when I asked them if they had a blog. What really shocked me was their response to my question "Why?". "I don't have anything to contribute!", "Who would want to read my blog!", were the kinds of answers I was getting.

So I'd like to clear up one big myth about blogging, it's not just for hard core techies! Blogging is about sharing an experience, a thought, a conversation, that might inspire or motivate someone else, or it could even be a call for assistance. Either way, blogging is about connecting into a bigger picture, instead of staying small.

So the next step is to get yourself a blog. There are a number of great, free blogging services out there on the web, and most of them support syndication through some kind of xml service (RSS, Atomic). I've listed a few which I think are great, but all you have to do is hit google, and heaps pop up.

My recommendations are:

1. theSpoke

2. ASP.NET - You will need to register as part of the site, then create a blog using the xBlog function.

3. Blogger - This is from the people from Google (well they endorse it anyway :>)

So go and setup a blog, email me your link, and start sharing yourself with the world (let's keep it to text for now).