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Moving back to the SIE team… oops, I mean the PFE team

Years ago I was part of a special and very small and special team, here, at Microsoft - the Solution Integration Engineering team. This team was known to handle any kind of customer issues, even those related to third-party products and technology integration. The team was very small and had highly skilled engineers. Good times… I had a lot of fun! This is not to say that I don’t have fun today, but at that time my scope of responsibilities was broader. I could review customer’s code, give debugging training, and go to customer sites if I felt I had to be there to solve the issue. I could work on any kind of hot issue that I felt I could handle even if it was not my specialty.

Then things changed… for reasons that I don’t understand the team was dissolved and most of the team members that were SIE engineers became Escalation Engineers for CPR teams or Rapid Response Engineers for the ROSS team, and I moved to the US in a new position, focused on Escalation Engineering, too.

After a while things changed again (hey, after all, this is Microsoft and things change very often here J )… the PFE team was created. The PFE team is similar to the old SIE team. Some engineers are more reactive, others are more proactive. Actually, Microsoft improved this kind of support to give our customers an even better support experience! Other internal changes were made, too, to attract and retain talent.

The team slogan is: “Global Presence. Local Relationships.”

I became so excited by this team, and the great conversations I’ve had with colleagues from PFE, PFE managers, and even Escalation Engineers that moved to PFE sometime ago, that I decided to accept an offer! J

Next month I’ll be moving to a very beautiful state with lots of fun things to do: Washington. I’ll be based in Redmond to prioritize customers from Washington State.

As part of my new role I may assist customers from other states and even other countries.

The debugging and troubleshooting fun is going to continue (hopefully), and because every problem is an opportunity for a new tool, I hope to create new tools based on my customers’ problems and suggestions.

Another activity that I’m expected to do is to give debugging training to our customers. Okay, I must admit I’m better at writing than talking; anyway it’s always good to stretch yourself out of the comfort zone, right?

I’m ready! Redmond, here we go!