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[Windbg Script] Connections from Pool

If you are like me, you may forget the classes and namespaces you need to find out some specific information. Or maybe you forget the field names you need to look for.

It happens to me when I need to take a peek at information from System.Data.SqlClient namespace, for example.

This script retrieves specific information from connections.

It’s also easy to extend it, so you can use the same approach to extract information from other namespaces and fields.

Personally, I prefer the approach based on DML (Debug Markup Language) because I can use hyperlinks and the default script call: $$><. The DML approach requires more work and more low-level programming, but offers better results as you can see in most the scripts I create.

You need to run it using $$< not $$><




$$ =============================================================================

$$ Verify Connections from Pool.


$$ Compatilibity: Win32, should work on Win64.


$$ Attention! For .Net Framework 2.0, edit the script and remove the clr10\\ from it so it can use the

$$ sos.dll version 2.0


$$ Usage: $$< to run the script. (note: Just $$< not $$><)


$$ Requirements: Public symbols.


$$ Roberto Alexis Farah

$$ Blog:

$$ All my scripts are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confer no rights.

$$ =============================================================================


.shell -i - -ci ".foreach ( obj {!clr10\\sos.dumpheap -type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection -short} ) {!do ${obj} }" FIND "_fInPool"

.shell -i - -ci ".foreach ( obj {!clr10\\sos.dumpheap -type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolControl -short} ) {!do ${obj} }" FIND "_fResetConnection"

.shell -i - -ci ".foreach ( obj {!clr10\\sos.dumpheap -type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolControl -short} ) {!do ${obj} }" FIND "_maxPool"


$$ Number of Connection Objects

$$ ============================


!clr10\\sos.dumpheap -type System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection -stat


$$ ===================================================================


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