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I couldn't do X before OneNote, solve for X

I wanted to ask you all a question/favour, what can you not do without OneNote?  The other day I was listening to a focus group of information workers (what we call regular office workers) and they were talking about the problems that they face at work with sharing information and working together.  It was really interesting to see what they had to say and what problems they were facing in their workplaces.  I thought that OneNote would solve a lot of their problems, but of course that might just be me.  With the OneNote hammer everything looks like a nail : )   But seriously I thought that OneNote and other Office apps could solve a lot of the problems people face, but I wonder how you explain what OneNote is to people.  I think sometimes it is almost too generic for someone who has never seen OneNote before.

So my question for you all and the discussion I would like to start is what can you not do with OneNote?  What is something that you couldn't do before without OneNote?