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Chatting with Mark Jones from The AFR

I had a little chat today with Mark Jones, IT Editor for the Australian Financial Review, for an article he is working on.

We were panelists together at a Breakfast Bytes session on Blogging, way back in March 2005. And it is always a pleasure when our paths cross. Most recently Mark came along to our Blogger Brunch which we held at the start of TechEd.

So, what did we chat about? I wont spoil his story, but let's just say it's something that I've been talking about for a while, with coverage in The Bulletin, Computerworld, The Australian, Business SundayHuman Capital Magazine and most recently in the AFR.

Looking forward to seeing where Mark takes his article.

Technorati tags: Blogging, AFR, Mark Jones

[ Current Listening to : Confessions, Pt. 3 by Weird Al Yankovic from Straight Outta Lynwood Disc 1 ]