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The Baudboys sing Tripod

I got to sit and listen to the Baudboys yesterday, an all-male a cappella group composed entirely of Microsoft employees, which includes a guy who is in the team I work in, Dave McEwen.  And yes, they are on Myspace!


The show got some great coverage in the local newspaper, the Seattle Times

Now, the highlight for me was hearing them sing the X-box Song by Tripod, that famous Aussie musical comedy act.

You know that song, where the guy is playing one more level before he can make his girlfriend happy. Here's Tripod's performance to remind you : True Geek Love! (Tripod)

Anyways, enough of my ramblings.

Congrats Baudboys on becoming the Northwest Champions in the 2008 Harmony Sweepstakes and good luck for the 2008 NATIONAL FINALS!

Technorati Tags: baudboys,tripod,Harmony Sweepstakes A Cappella Festival