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ScintillaNET: Trolling for Features

I've got several people interested in contributing to ScintillaNET, now what we need to do is build a roadmap.


I need to know what kinds of things that we should be putting into this next version, (including things in older versions, or stuff you may have coded yourself).


I'm only a couple days away from having the basic API fully implemented; this will allow us to start adding in the feature of Scite that we all enjoy, (smart indenting, common find/replace  etc...) and have it useable everywhere.


I'd also like a list of places and projects that you think could benefit from ScintillaNET. 


Finally, I've got a rather ingenious idea for a little utility that i'm calling "Scintilla Everywhere", and I'd like to hear people's ideas for helping me implement it:



I want to build a tool that given a hot key will pop up a ScintillaNET editor on top of *any* edit control in Windows. Using standard messaging, you should be able to edit the contents of the field (in the ScintillaNET shadow) and have it sync the contents back to the actual edit field. This would have the perceived effect of having ScintillaNET availible in any application that used a text field.  Imagine, any text field that you can edit, would suddenly have the power and flexibility of Scintilla in it. Color Syntax highlighting, outlining, etc...


I've got some ideas on how I'd start that, but I'd love to hear what others know, or if there is a better way to do that.


Anyway, PLEASE file issues for feature requests, and we'll discuss them in the boards and issues on CodePlex.