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Silverlight in Financials Demonstrator


Yesterday at the Financial Services Developers Conference in NY,   Marley Gray & Joe Cleaver showed  the "Silverlight in Financials Demonstrator". The demonstrator is a 'mock-up' website that shows the interactions and experience you could get from a silverlight enabled site. Features like interactive video that drives charts, client-side charting, drag & drop, client-side calculations (for responsiveness), cross-domain web services calling, etc. come together seamlessly to create a slightly different banking experience from what we see today.    

If you have Silverlight 2, you can play with the demonstrator at this site

You can also see an internal (=not polished) recording of  a walk through of the demonstrator from this silverlight streaming video.

If you want a script that helps you walk through the interactions, you can find one here.



The plan and the source:

Our goal from the beginning has been to release the source code at devcon; since that was yesterday, the source is available today from here .

Warning: the demonstrator grew quickly from a Silverlight 1.1 app with three scenarios to a SL 2.0 application with  six or seven scenarios; so we are a bit behind on cleaning up the code. The plan is to do a bit more clean up over the next few days ( or say all of next week)  and then put it out at gallery when the code cleanup churn decreases.  Please check the SL gallery or check this blog in a week or so for an updated source.  [It takes that long because we do it one hour at a time on evenings or when I have free time at work (which is not much)].

Known issues:
Apologies in advance to those outside the US or not running an en english locale. We are aware some of the ' banking concepts' might not apply but we hope some of the interactions are generic enough that are useful to show.  We have also not localized the site.  Please do report bugs around localization. 

Infusion development did most of the coding. Joe Cleaver, Marley Gray, Joe Rubino and a few others in the MS financials team helped define the scenarios.