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tour of the month: the exit-stage-right tour

All tours much eventually come to an end and thus it is with my tour with Microsoft. I have resigned my position and am leaving the company. It was a great ride.

But the tours will continue. My book Exploratory Software Testing: Tips, Tricks, Tours and Techniques to Guide Manual Testers is in press and will appear through Addison-Wesley sometime this summer. I am truly thankful for the many wonderful testers at Microsoft who contributed wisdom, thoughts and even case studies to the effort. Special thanks go to Nicole Haugen, Geoff Staneff, David Gorena Elizondo, Shawn Brown and Bola Agbonile. Microsoft is full of great testers and even here, these guys manage to stand out.

I imagine that I will not be long in setting up a new blog as I have very much enjoyed this experience and being the only tester in Developer Division's top ten bloggers was quite an honor. For that I thank you.

In case you are interested in my landing place, I can imagine that one or two of the more popular testing blogs around town will be talking about it.

Wish me luck ...