Jeff Alexander's Weblog

Technical Solution Professional, Enterprise Mobility + Security

As you may or may have not heard I switched roles here at Microsoft and I’m no longer a Technical...

Date: 11/22/2016

Progress doesn’t drive itself. It’s propelled into the future by ideas. By technology. By people...

Date: 09/07/2016

If you are in Melbourne and want to hear all the latest updates on Windows 10 then we have an event...

Date: 06/16/2016

Hi everyone, I wanted to alert you to a new website called Ready for Windows! It’s a new site where...

Date: 06/07/2016

The following article comes from Karina Galea, a senior engineer at Dimension Data. It focuses on...

Date: 05/13/2016

Windows 10 has been out for some time now and according to the latest stats we announced at the...

Date: 03/16/2016

If you have or are about to deploy Microsoft Intune make sure you check out this free Ebook from one...

Date: 02/29/2016

I know we are all time poor and it’s hard to attend every possible event in person. So my good...

Date: 02/23/2016

I wanted to alert you to a great community driven event coming up in March that has been running in...

Date: 02/21/2016

Nothing like a free ebook to warm your heart. The good folks over at Microsoft Press have released a...

Date: 02/17/2016

I wanted to let you all know about an upcoming free event that your not going to want to miss....

Date: 02/11/2016

It’s been a while folks since I did a security update so I decided to get back into the rhythm of...

Date: 02/10/2016

Over the last few months we have been running TechNet Update events as a new edition to our...

Date: 09/02/2015

I wanted to let you all know there is a new user group starting up this week focusing on all things...

Date: 07/05/2015

That time is upon us again when it’s time to review our servers and apply updates where needed....

Date: 04/14/2015

As you may or may not know we at Microsoft are releasing products faster than ever before. And to...

Date: 03/15/2015

The good folks over at Microsoft Press have released some new and free eBooks focusing on Microsoft...

Date: 02/18/2015

Welcome to another round of security updates! Please see the table for this month's list of...

Date: 02/12/2015

IT heroes never stop learning. And great technology never stops evolving. That's why the...

Date: 02/11/2015

I've been using Cortana for a while on my Lumia 930 Windows Phone and it's pretty cool to...

Date: 02/11/2015

Welcome to yet another month of updates! It’s pretty busy with quite a few updates this time around...

Date: 12/10/2014

Welcome to another month of updates! This month there are quite a number of updates to consider so...

Date: 11/11/2014

Today has been a very exciting day for us at Microsoft Australia! Today at TechEd Sydney we...

Date: 10/26/2014

This was significant enough to warrant a blog post. In fact out of the recent announcements we made...

Date: 10/21/2014

Welcome to another set of updates for you to consider in your environments. Sorry I’m a bit late...

Date: 10/19/2014

I’ve been using a Surface Pro 3 now for a couple of months. Myself and Andrew both got given one...

Date: 09/25/2014

Hi Everyone! For over two decades, TechEd has secured its spot as Australia's leading tech...

Date: 08/07/2014

By now, I'm sure you know that TechEd Australia is a different format this year. We're...

Date: 07/16/2014

To continue this series this is the first of the System Center 2012 R2 sessions in our series. This...

Date: 07/14/2014

Welcome to the first security bulletin of the new financial year! The table below list the updates...

Date: 07/08/2014

Recently on the official Microsoft blog there was a really good article how Microsoft is taking the...

Date: 07/06/2014

As you have probably guessed based on previous posts that I’m a big fan of the MAP Toolkit as a...

Date: 07/02/2014

Our very own Andrew McMurray is running a jump start on migrating off old versions on Windows...

Date: 07/01/2014

Learn how Windows Azure Pack brings the benefit of the cloud to your data center Enterprises today...

Date: 07/01/2014

Now that Andrew and myself have finished this round of TechNet Live! webinars I wanted to provide...

Date: 06/26/2014

Awesome behind the scenes video of the making of the Surface Pro 3 video! Jeffa Technorati Tags:...

Date: 06/23/2014

This is the last of the Windows Server 2012 R2 events in this series this time focusing on...

Date: 06/22/2014

Here’s another recording for you in transforming the datacenter TechNet Live Series. This time...

Date: 06/22/2014

Welcome to another TechNet Live recording! Please see below for the session that Andrew did about...

Date: 06/22/2014

I’m slowly getting around to posting up the links to all the recordings and I’m hoping to have them...

Date: 06/22/2014

Welcome to another security bulletin and the final bulletin for the financial year. This time around...

Date: 06/10/2014

Ok I've finally finished off IT Camps for the year and have some time to breath and catch up on...

Date: 05/28/2014

Over the last few weeks and up until the end of June myself and Andrew McMurray have been running a...

Date: 05/15/2014

It’s been a busy time lately with lots of updates coming out for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012...

Date: 05/14/2014

As you may or may have not heard Windows XP reaches it’s end of extended support on April 8th 2014...

Date: 04/07/2014

Starting in April myself and Andrew will be running a 12 part series of TechNet Live events centred...

Date: 03/27/2014

Hi folks and welcome to another round of security updates. This months updates mainly focus on...

Date: 03/12/2014
