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Screencast: Windows Server 2012-Storage Spaces


Welcome to another Screencast on Windows Server 2012. This time I’m discussing what I think to be one of the biggest area’s of improvement and change in Windows Server 2012 namely Storage infrastructure. In Windows Server 2012 we are addressing the need to provide resiliency and cost-effective storage solutions built into the operating system. In this Screencast I’m going to discuss Storage Spaces which is a virtualization technology for storage that allows you to create Storage Pools and Storage Spaces. It’s a great technology that helps organizations acquire and maintain highly available and reliable storage across all storage devices. The slide below shows a high level view of the Storage Spaces deployment model. And in the screencast I go into more detail about how to set it up.


Enjoy the Screencast!


Technorati Tags: Screencast,Windows Server 2012,Storage Spaces

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