Joel Pobar's CLR weblog

CLR Program Manager: Reflection, LCG, Generics and the type system...

Joe Duffy and I recently did an MSDN TV stint on Method Dispatch Internals. Joe concentrated on the...

Date: 11/04/2005

It’s been a while since I’ve posted - we’ve been busy getting Beta 2 ready, and that means fixing...

Date: 11/17/2004

2 months since my last post? – Yeah I know, I’ve been very busy lately with Whidbey CLR commitments....

Date: 09/22/2004

Figured I'd take the opportunity to capitalize on the increased link traffic Brad sent my way, by...

Date: 06/22/2004

Jan Kotas, a developer on the CLR team, and an original member of the Rotor team has recently...

Date: 06/21/2004

I figured I’d go exploring through the Rotor debugger today – we had a bug come in for...

Date: 05/06/2004

Just thought I'd post a small screenshot of Rotor Whidbey running on a Longhorn build - we...

Date: 05/05/2004

There are various other scenario’s in the invocation space that have not been dissected. I...

Date: 04/23/2004

I'm posting up a “getting started“ style document that previous members of the Rotor...

Date: 04/21/2004

Just thought I'd quickly shout-out to Justin Rogers and Darren Neimke. Had lunch with these guys...

Date: 04/09/2004

After my post about the CLR team job openings, I've had a bunch of mixed responses. Some good, some...

Date: 04/07/2004

We should all welcome, and subscribe to Chris King's blog, over at:

Date: 04/05/2004

I've been cooking up some notes on the ways one may do late-bound or dynamic invocation. It's...

Date: 04/01/2004

I've finally gotten around to cooking up a post about the the spectrum of late-bound invocations one...

Date: 03/31/2004

A question came through on e-mail today, asking where one could “talk“ to the Rotor...

Date: 03/17/2004

I just posted to the Rotor newsgroup, the current job advertisements for the CLR team. Because this...

Date: 03/05/2004

I'm posting a document written by Patrick Dussud (who's an architect on the CLR team) about Rotor's...

Date: 02/26/2004

I've been working on a command line driven managed FTP server for the past few weekends. Something...

Date: 02/16/2004

A quick heads up, Yun Jin has posted a nice addition to my previous post on adding an FCall to the...

Date: 02/15/2004

There's been a few questions on various newsgroups asking for the code sequence for generating a...

Date: 02/15/2004

Before I head home, I thought I'd post up your typical “Hello, World” style app in...

Date: 01/21/2004

I wrote some notes on the Rotor JIT before I started at Microsoft. My intention was to play around...

Date: 01/21/2004

I noticed Andrew Stopford posted a great blog entry about what books are out there for learning the...

Date: 01/15/2004

The Rotor RFP deadline is now the 30th of January, please make sure you get your submissions in...

Date: 01/12/2004

I haven't actually posted anything technical to this blog yet - so I figured I'd hack together a...

Date: 12/18/2003

I figured I'd write a small, somewhat unofficial post about Rotor V2 (Rotor Whidbey). For those that...

Date: 12/12/2003

To an Australian, Thanksgiving holiday seems like a vacation on steroids. I've never seen so many...

Date: 11/26/2003

It's been a while since I've emitted, for reasons other than sheer laziness. We're currently in the...

Date: 11/18/2003

Welcome to my blog. I'll start with the conventional introductory stuff: I'm a (relatively) new...

Date: 10/28/2003