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Your feedback on web and load testing

As you can guess from my recent lack of posts, the Ocracoke team has been extremely busy trying to finish up our last major coding milestone.  We're nearly done with the new features, but we still have several weeks of bug fixing and stabilization ahead of us before the November CTP release of Visual Studio Team System.  A few of the things I've been working on are an overhaul of the Web Test Recorder, automatic hidden field tracking (including but not limited to ViewState), file upload support, and the ability to put comments in web tests.

Even though this is our last major coding milestone, there's still time for us to incorporate your feedback into the final product.  Please leave a comment with ANY suggestions and complaints you've come up with while using the current CTP release.  I'm especially interested in any comments and feature requests related to coded web tests.  I want you to be able to handle any web testing scenario imaginable from a coded web test, so let me know what scenarios are impossible or just too hard to implement.  This is your chance to directly affect the final product, so please speak up and let us know what you think.