Nota Bene: The OneNote Blog
Nota Bene: Tips and techniques for Microsoft Office OneNote (A blog by Michael C. Oldenburg)
A quick hello to my loyal readers! I know it's been a while since I've blogged here, and now I can...
Date: 05/27/2010
Many of you have been trying out the Microsoft OneNote 2010 Beta since its release last week and I...
Date: 11/26/2009
Depending on its complexity, Beta software typically offers little (if any) documentation. Too much...
Date: 11/20/2009
The wait is over! This morning at the 2009 Professional Developers Conference (PDC), Microsoft...
Date: 11/18/2009
Today, Windows 7 finally arrives in stores. In my personal opinion, it’s Microsoft’s best-ever...
Date: 10/22/2009
For as long as I’ve worked on the OneNote team here at Microsoft, I’ve never grown tired of hearing...
Date: 10/07/2009
Game developer Bungie is one of the biggest names in the computer and console gaming market. The...
Date: 09/28/2009
You may remember me first mentioning my colleague Joannie Stangeland back in the spring, when she...
Date: 09/21/2009
Summer’s nearly over. Students and teachers have begun preparing for their long march back into...
Date: 09/01/2009
Ah, Facebook. You either love it or hate it, right? Well, now there’s another reason to love it....
Date: 08/27/2009
If you’ve used any Windows program for a while, you’re likely to have figured out some of its...
Date: 08/03/2009
The newest episode of the video series A Writer’s Guide to Microsoft Office — created by my...
Date: 07/30/2009
If you missed the big Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview announcement last week, you might not...
Date: 07/20/2009
Back in January of this year, I provided shortcuts to the newest calendar templates for your OneNote...
Date: 06/03/2009
Ever wanted to convey to your friends, family, or co-workers what’s so great about OneNote? This...
Date: 05/20/2009
Okay... to be fair to our Marketing folks, the truth is out there: It’s always been out there. This...
Date: 04/23/2009
In celebration of Earth Day on April 22, I’ve put together a new “Green Living Ideas” notebook for...
Date: 04/21/2009
Early on in my technical career, I worked for a medium-sized company that was enjoying a period of...
Date: 03/25/2009
Each month, as I go through customer comments and feedback here on my blog and from the articles on...
Date: 03/23/2009
Some of the best computer tips out there aren't ever “in the manual,” so to speak. We search the Web...
Date: 03/06/2009
Okay, let’s face it. It’s hard to hate yellow sticky notes. Like Velcro™ and the World Wide Web,...
Date: 01/12/2009
Happy New Year, everyone! As any seasoned user of OneNote 2007 will tell you, the beauty of OneNote...
Date: 01/05/2009
Here in the hallways at Microsoft, there’s a particular utterance that can be heard with...
Date: 12/10/2008
This month’s collection of tips on the Microsoft At Work Web site (shown below) gives a shout-out to...
Date: 12/02/2008
When we mention “Help” in the software publishing world, we don't mean technical support or...
Date: 11/12/2008
Wikipedia defines “collaboration” as follows: “Collaboration is a recursive...
Date: 07/25/2008
Over the past few months, I’ve been asked by some of my readers if I can recommend any good...
Date: 07/11/2008
In recent weeks, page hit counts for our introductory content about OneNote on Microsoft’s Office...
Date: 06/18/2008
On his blog titled “Progressive Development,” Microsoft software engineer James Waletzky chronicles...
Date: 05/21/2008
By day, Mike Tholfsen is the Principal Test Manager on the OneNote team here at Microsoft. By night,...
Date: 05/19/2008
For the past few months, the Office Labs group at Microsoft has been hard at work, prototyping a...
Date: 04/28/2008
To some of you seasoned road warriors, this will be old news. Alas, I meet people each and every...
Date: 04/07/2008
The Office Online training team has just published Get to know OneNote 2007, a new training course...
Date: 03/24/2008
The OneNote 2007 Help & How-to home page on Office Online received a much-needed facelift this...
Date: 02/28/2008
Not all that long ago, I was one of those people who clung to their trusty Filofax (and later a...
Date: 02/01/2008
Dealing with the frenzy that is all around us during the holiday season can be a challenge for...
Date: 12/16/2007
Since the release of OneNote 2007 earlier this year, “Top Tips for OneNote 2007” has been one of our...
Date: 11/05/2007
David Salaguinto, one of my Office Online colleagues and a fellow writer in my workgroup, has just...
Date: 10/22/2007
On her team blog, Content Project Manager Nancy Crowell has just given a ringing endorsement of...
Date: 10/10/2007
Microsoft Senior Program Manager Janet Galore gives a prominent shout-out to OneNote 2007 in her new...
Date: 09/06/2007
If you've been looking for a well-rounded introduction to OneNote 2007 or have wanted to get a...
Date: 08/27/2007
If you own one or more Microsoft Office products, the Office Online Web site is your friend. It...
Date: 07/27/2007
OneNote continues to be a favorite on the new Office Hours site. Yesterday, programming writer Eliot...
Date: 07/24/2007
Microsoft Office Online columnist Annik Stahl (a.k.a. The Crabby Office Lady) is a big fan of...
Date: 07/23/2007
Although I've been privately blogging for the past four years or so, I've always wanted to maintain...
Date: 07/12/2007