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Using Microsoft Azure for students

With our new free Azure offer, student developers can publish their own web apps to Azure and host them in the cloud, at no cost and with no credit card required. Students can take advantage of these great Azure services:

  • Web Apps
  • MySQL DB
  • VSO
  • Application Insights

Please note that Visual Studio 2013 is not compatible with our Azure offer. You should upgrade to Visual Studio Community 2015, which is free for everyone! You will also need to install the Azure SDK 2.7 for .NET.

Visual Studio Online Continuous Integration is not currently compatible with our Azure offer. If you want to use CI with your web app, please see our blog post on Azure CI with GitHub.

Once you’re set up with Azure, check out our Imagine Cup Hello Cloud Challenge. Every month, one student using Azure will win $1,000! You’ll find all the details at the Imagine Cup site.

Finally, please note that some students who previously signed up for an Azure subscription, such as the Azure Free Trial, may have technical problems with activating this new Azure student offer. These students must contact Azure support to unblock their sign-up for the offer.