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CRM 4.0 Mobile News


As much as I depend on my laptop to get my work done, I think I value my Windows Mobile device even more.  I can keep abreast of the most critical email and text messaging traffic and convert what would often be wasted time into productive time.  I have all my contacts, appointments, to-do's and even a select group of Microsoft Office documents of various formats available in an always-on, easily portable device.  Heck, it even makes phone calls!

I get calls and emails on a regular basis about how to extend CRM to mobile devices so instead of just publishing another list of links, I thought I'd try to go into a little more depth.

So next week I'm going to put out a series of posts about our most popular CRM 4.0 Mobile ISV offerings and wrap up with a how-to about the future of CRM Mobile Express .

Stay tuned!