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DatePicker calendar custom control for WinRT Xaml


I have made a new release on the Datepicker project for WinRT (Xaml) : You can check this new version on Codeplex: WinRT Xaml Calendar Control


The first part “Creation of a date picker” is here : WinRT Xaml Calendar

At the beginning, this control was just a POC (a proof of concept) The first release was not fully functional. There was a lot of bug and unsupported features (well, it was a sample to illustrate the customization of a ListBox Sourire)

I had a lot of remarks (bad and good remarks… actually a lot of bad remarks Clignement d'œil) because lot of people thought that this control could be used in production code…

That was not the case.

Today, I have made a big work on refactoring this control to provide a real control, that you can use in production code (well actually, I hope you can use it Sourire)


To achieve this, I have re-use the LoopItemsPanel (with customization, of course)

You can read the use of this ItemsTemplatePanel here : Create an ItemsTemplatePanel

Here is the (not exhaustive) list of new features:

  • Full binding support (Mode=TwoWay)
  • Loop list implementation
  • Style customization ready
  • Mouse gestures (yes !)
  • Correction of incorrect items position



If you want to make some suggestions or remarks on this control, please use the Issue Tracker section from the codeplex site


Happy Coding;
