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implementing a simple Cross SIte collection list view webpart

Out of the box list view web part does not support lists that are contained in a different site collection. In this post I will show you how you can write a simple web part that will allow cross site collection list support.

Within the custom web part I’m leveraging ListViewByQuery control that is contained within the “Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls” namespace in assembly “Microsoft.SharePoint.dll”

Couple of things about “ListViewByQuery” control

  • you must set “List” and “Query” properties for this control
  • You will get a “missing list” exception or something like that if you don’t set “ViewFields” property for the Query
  • SPQuery should be instantiated with a View, otherwise you will get a blank page (If you instantiate SPQuery with a view you do not need to specify “ViewFields” property although MSDN documentation states different)

My custom web part has following properties defined

SiteUrl: if the list is in different site collection, set site collection URL

ViewName: List View Name to be used

SourceList: Source List to Query

In the overriden CreateChildControls method of web part new up an instance of “ListViewControl” and set List and Query properties and add to the controls collection. If a site url was not specified, we assume the list is contained within the current web context, also if a view name was specified through properties, we are using that when creating SPQuery object, other wise default view on the list is used.


    1: protected override void CreateChildControls()
    2: {
    3:     base.CreateChildControls();
    4:     SPSite site = null ;
    5:     SPWeb web = null ;
    6:     Boolean disposeSPSite = false ;
    7:     try
    8:     {
    9:         if (this.SourceList != string.Empty && this.SourceList != string.Empty)
   10:         {
   11:             viewByQuery = new ListViewByQuery();
   12:             if(this.SiteUrl != null && this.SiteUrl != string.Empty)
   13:             {
   14:                 site = new SPSite(this.SiteUrl);
   15:                 disposeSPSite = true ;
   16:             }
   17:             else
   18:             {
   19:                 site = SPContext.Current.Site ;
   20:             }
   21:             web = site.OpenWeb();
   22:             SPList sourceList = web.Lists[this.SourceList];
   23:             viewByQuery.List = sourceList;
   24:             SPQuery query = null;
   25:             if (CheckIfViewExists(viewByQuery.List))
   26:             {
   27:                 //use the view specified in webpart property
   28:                 query = new SPQuery(viewByQuery.List.Views[this.ViewName]);
   29:             }
   30:             else
   31:             {
   32:                 //use default view to initialized
   33:                 query = new SPQuery(viewByQuery.List.DefaultView);
   34:             }
   35:             viewByQuery.Query = query;
   36:             viewByQuery.DisableFilter = this.DisableFilter;
   37:             viewByQuery.DisableSort = this.DisableSort;
   38:             this.Controls.Add(viewByQuery);
   39:         }
   40:         else
   41:         {
   42:             encodedLiteral = new EncodedLiteral();
   43:             encodedLiteral.Text = "This webpart is not configured.";
   44:             this.Controls.Add(encodedLiteral);
   45:         }
   46:     }
   47:     finally
   48:     {
   49:         if(disposeSPSite)
   50:         {
   51:             ((IDisposable)site).Dispose();
   52:             ((IDisposable)web).Dispose();
   53:         }
   54:     }
   55: }

Custom Web Part Configuration View


Here is a view of the web part showing documents from document library named “Documents” contained within a different site collection


All Items view of document library named “Documents” in root site collection of the web app



  <Update Date="10/10/2010">

I recently received comment about not being able to see folder, try setting the ViewAttributes property for the SPQuery object


query.ViewAttributes = "Scope=\"Recursive\"";





Code from web part project, if you find it useful please leave a comment here…

    1: #region using statements
    2: using System;
    3: using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    4: using System.Web;
    5: using System.Web.UI;
    6: using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    7: using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    8: using System.Xml.Serialization;
    9: using System.Text;
   12: using Microsoft.SharePoint;
   13: using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls;
   14: using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages;
   15: #endregion
   17: namespace Foo
   18: {
   19:     [Guid("9558189B-CD3B-481b-9B06-AE434CF47B18")]
   20:     public class CrossSiteCollectionListViewWebPart : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart
   21:     {
   22:         #region protected child control variable definitions
   23:         protected ListViewByQuery viewByQuery = null;
   24:         protected EncodedLiteral encodedLiteral = null;
   25:         #endregion
   27:         #region webpart properties
   28:         /// <summary>
   29:         /// 
   30:         /// </summary>
   31:         private string viewNameField = string.Empty;
   32:         [Personalizable(), WebPartStorage(Storage.Shared), WebBrowsable(),
   33:          WebDisplayName("View Name"), WebDescription("View Name")]
   34:         public string ViewName
   35:         {
   36:             get
   37:             {
   38:                 return this.viewNameField;
   39:             }
   40:             set
   41:             {
   42:                 this.viewNameField = value;
   43:             }
   44:         }
   45:         private string siteUrlField = string.Empty;
   46:         [Personalizable(), WebPartStorage(Storage.Shared), WebBrowsable(),
   47:          WebDisplayName("Site Url"), WebDescription("Site Url")]
   48:         public string SiteUrl
   49:         {
   50:             get
   51:             {
   52:                 return this.siteUrlField;
   53:             }
   54:             set
   55:             {
   56:                 this.siteUrlField = value;
   57:             }
   58:         }
   59:         /// <summary>
   60:         /// 
   61:         /// </summary>
   62:         private string sourceListField = string.Empty;
   63:         [Personalizable(), WebPartStorage(Storage.Shared), WebBrowsable(),
   64:          WebDisplayName("Source List"), WebDescription("Source list to query")]
   65:         public string SourceList
   66:         {
   67:             get
   68:             {
   69:                 return this.sourceListField;
   70:             }
   71:             set
   72:             {
   73:                 this.sourceListField = value;
   74:             }
   75:         }
   76:         private Boolean disableFilterField = false;
   77:         [Personalizable(), WebPartStorage(Storage.Shared), WebBrowsable(),
   78:          WebDisplayName("Disable Filter"), WebDescription("Disable List Filtering")]
   79:         public Boolean DisableFilter
   80:         {
   81:             get
   82:             {
   83:                 return disableFilterField;
   84:             }
   85:             set
   86:             {
   87:                 disableFilterField = value;
   88:             }
   89:         }
   90:         private Boolean disableSortField = false;
   91:         [Personalizable(), WebPartStorage(Storage.Shared), WebBrowsable(),
   92:          WebDisplayName("Disable Sort"), WebDescription("Disable list sorting")]
   93:         public Boolean DisableSort
   94:         {
   95:             get
   96:             {
   97:                 return disableSortField;
   98:             }
   99:             set
  100:             {
  101:                 this.disableSortField = value;
  102:             }
  103:         }
  104:         #endregion
  106:         #region overrides
  107:         protected override void CreateChildControls()
  108:         {
  109:             base.CreateChildControls();
  110:             SPSite site = null ;
  111:             SPWeb web = null ;
  112:             Boolean disposeSPSite = false ;
  113:             try
  114:             {
  115:                 if (this.SourceList != string.Empty && this.SourceList != string.Empty)
  116:                 {
  117:                     viewByQuery = new ListViewByQuery();
  118:                     if(this.SiteUrl != null && this.SiteUrl != string.Empty)
  119:                     {
  120:                         site = new SPSite(this.SiteUrl);
  121:                         disposeSPSite = true ;
  122:                     }
  123:                     else
  124:                     {
  125:                         site = SPContext.Current.Site ;
  126:                     }
  127:                     web = site.OpenWeb();
  128:                     SPList sourceList = web.Lists[this.SourceList];
  129:                     viewByQuery.List = sourceList;
  130:                     SPQuery query = null;
  131:                     if (CheckIfViewExists(viewByQuery.List))
  132:                     {
  133:                         //use the view specified in webpart property
  134:                         query = new SPQuery(viewByQuery.List.Views[this.ViewName]);
  135:                     }
  136:                     else
  137:                     {
  138:                         //use default view to initialized
  139:                         query = new SPQuery(viewByQuery.List.DefaultView);
  140:                     }
  141:                     viewByQuery.Query = query;
  142:                     viewByQuery.DisableFilter = this.DisableFilter;
  143:                     viewByQuery.DisableSort = this.DisableSort;
  144:                     this.Controls.Add(viewByQuery);
  145:                 }
  146:                 else
  147:                 {
  148:                     encodedLiteral = new EncodedLiteral();
  149:                     encodedLiteral.Text = "This webpart is not configured.";
  150:                     this.Controls.Add(encodedLiteral);
  151:                 }
  152:             }
  153:             finally
  154:             {
  155:                 if(disposeSPSite)
  156:                 {
  157:                     ((IDisposable)site).Dispose();
  158:                     ((IDisposable)web).Dispose();
  159:                 }
  160:             }
  161:         }
  162:         protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer)
  163:         {
  165:             EnsureChildControls();
  166:             RenderChildren(writer);
  167:         }
  168:         #endregion
  170:         #region helper methods
  171:         private Boolean CheckIfViewExists(SPList list)
  172:         {
  173:             Boolean ret = false;
  175:             foreach (SPView view in list.Views)
  176:             {
  177:                 if (view.Title.ToLower() == this.ViewName.ToLower())
  178:                 {
  179:                     ret = true;
  180:                 }
  181:             }
  182:             return ret;
  183:         }
  184:         #endregion
  185:     }
  186: }

Technorati Tags: sharePoint,WebParts