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British Library WPF Application: Leaf through & annotate historic texts

The British Library has launched an application that uses the Windows Presentation Foundation to let you leaf through historic texts.  Like Doninoken (mentioned yesterday), it's published as an XBAP - a WPF application that runs within Internet Explorer, and uses WPF's 3D capabilities.

Check it out - you can read Alice written in Lewis Carroll's original (pristine) handwriting!  And magnify an original DaVinci Codex or two.

The app also includes the ability to read or listen to expert commentary on each page, and store or share your own notes - so it's a shared, collaborative experience.

I would love to see some Irish texts in an app like this too.  Book of Kells, perhaps?  Perhaps a little Joyce

Yes I said yes I think Yes.

[Update: Tim Sneath has a great summary of this application in his blog.]