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On the short list of Microsoft Watch's "Microsoft Bloggers".

Speaking of Mary Jo Foley, last week I had a conversation with Dare Obasanjo about RSS Bandit's setup (yet another thing I need to blog about). At the end of our conversation he asked me, "Did you know you were on Mary Jo's list of bloggers to watch?" I had no idea what Dare was talking about so he opened up a browser to Microsoft Watch's Microsoft Bloggers web page. As of this posting, my name is sandwiched there between Dare and Jensen Harris.

But I don't know why.

I write about setup (and not enough of that lately), the WiX toolset (obviously), and Open Source (but from the comments I get, most people don't care about that part... so I do it because I think it's interesting). But who cares about those topics? Sure, setup developers might care about my blog (especially if I'd talk more about setup right now) but others?

So, Mary Jo, how/why did you decide to put my blog on that list? I'm really quite curious.

Also, for those of you that follow my blog regularly, I'm curious why do you stay subscribed? Feel free to leave a comment/trackback below or send it to me privately. Your feedback will shape how things continue from here.

PS: I've followed Mary Jo's reporting ever since she was the reporter that broke the WiX toolset released as Open Source story. That was an exciting time and I always felt like her report was a part of the experience. Before her story I never bothered to see who was writing the news I was reading. Also, Microsoft urban legend has it that Mary Jo Foley used to ride the shuttles around Microsoft campus listening for gossip. I was impressed. How can you not respect a reporter that is crafty enough to think of that?