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Team RSS at PDC '05

The Windows RSS team is well represented at PDC '05 in LA (session feed). At 2:15pm today, Amar Gandhi (Group Program Manager of the Windows RSS team), will be presenting on "Windows Vista: Building RSS-enabled applications."

So, if you're here in LA, join us at 2:15pm in room 403AB.

We've also got a bunch of machines set up for hands-on labs so that people can try out the platform themselves with members of the team available to answer questions. We're in the Data and Systems track.

If you're not here at PDC, don't worry - we'll post the demos online for you to check out as quickly as possible. The slides are here:

  PDC 2005: DAT320 Windows Vista: Building RSS-enabled applications

- Sean (and the rest of the team down here in LA)

Update 9/27/2005: Added a link to the slide deck.