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Scott Wiltamuth's Visual Studio blog

I love this idea! --Scott

Date: 01/26/2011

F# fans will want to check out Don Syme's post regarding source code releases of F# compiler and...

Date: 11/05/2010

People interested in dynamic languages and Silverlight will definitely want to install Silverlight 4...

Date: 04/28/2010

I had a great time last night at the Phillly .NET as part of our launch tour activities. I did a...

Date: 04/27/2010

We're excited to announce availability of VS 2010 for Japanese, German, and French locales! Check...

Date: 04/20/2010

Here are some additional launch-related links. These are for on-demand versions of the launch talks:...

Date: 04/14/2010

Product launches are a lot of fun for us. We've been busy at work on VS 2010 since we released VS...

Date: 04/14/2010

As we are approaching the release of VS 2010, I have seen a number of questions from customers about...

Date: 03/09/2010

We're super-excited to have our VS 2010 Release Candidate out. Thanks to everyone who gave us great...

Date: 02/09/2010

Check out this new VS 2010 and .NET Fx 4.0 videos page on channel9. We're rolling out a set of...

Date: 11/11/2008

For those of you who are not at PDC in LA this week, watching the videos is a great substitute. I...

Date: 10/29/2008

With PDC going on in LA this week, we have a number of new C# videos available: Anders' PDC talk on...

Date: 10/29/2008

Anders gave a great talk at JAOO last week that I'm watching now, "Where are programming languages...

Date: 10/07/2008

Alex Turner's story about how he took $202 from Anders Hejlsberg is very amusing. And true! I...

Date: 12/20/2007

Re: my earlier post on the future of JavaScript, there is another interesting item today on Ajaxian:...

Date: 10/29/2007

Gabriele Renzi has a good post on the future of JavaScript: "ECMAScript 4, the fourth system...

Date: 10/29/2007

Soma blogged earlier announcing our intent to productize F#, and we are seeing some press coverage...

Date: 10/26/2007

Funny thing. As soon as I blogged about Second Life at OOPSLA, I happened across the Second Life...

Date: 10/24/2007

There was an interesting session at OOPSLA yesterday called "Second Life: The World's Biggest...

Date: 10/24/2007

I've been traveling for the last week or so, first to Microsoft Research in Cambridge, England and...

Date: 10/24/2007

In sync with the release of unified communications products, Bill Gates published a well-written...

Date: 10/16/2007

I recently switched from managing a large group (VB, VC#, VC++, and Phoenix product units) to...

Date: 10/15/2007

I got a nice email on Friday from Tudor Vlad, who was very happy to receive a copy of C# Programming...

Date: 10/15/2007

Bill Gates is featured in a new Channel9 video. He talks about compatibility, Atlas, Mix, Office 12,...

Date: 02/18/2006

Rusty Miller, C# Test Manager, has a really good post on test tools and techniques that we used...

Date: 02/12/2006

Check out the Visual Studio servicing information that we recently posted. Servicing -- including...

Date: 02/09/2006

Today has been a big day, with the official launch of Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2005 and...

Date: 11/07/2005

The day we shipped VS 2005 and .NET, we had a big party for the whole product development team. I've...

Date: 11/02/2005

We're all very excited about shipping VS 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0! Woohoo! Our earlier LINQ Tech...

Date: 10/31/2005

Cédric Beust of the Java community has a post today comparing Microsoft and Sun approaches and...

Date: 10/19/2005

O'Reilly's has an interview with Anders Hejlsberg by John Osborn: C#: Yesterday, Today,...

Date: 10/18/2005

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I spent this week in England and Slovakia doing some training and...

Date: 10/18/2005

I spent last week doing some training and customer visits in London, England and Bratislava,...

Date: 10/18/2005

Larry O'Brien has an SD Times opinion piece and several blog posts on LINQ: Select * From IQF:...

Date: 10/05/2005

Darryl Taft of eWeek has a long article today that talks about Microsoft's commitment to developers,...

Date: 10/04/2005

The MVP Summit is wrapping up today. Unfortunately, I can't attend today's events (my wife is in...

Date: 10/01/2005

Jon Udell posts LINQ 101: "I've been checking out the LINQ technical preview, and it's definitely an...

Date: 09/28/2005

eWeek: Borland Plans to Support MS LINQ in Delphi Platform. "Microsoft announced its Language...

Date: 09/28/2005

I had two experiences this week that made me think "It's a small world after all." The first was at...

Date: 09/20/2005

Today I had a chance to meet with several people who are working on Kids Programming Language (KPL)....

Date: 09/20/2005

Here are a few more recent ones: eWeek has a Peter Coffee column: Access to Data No Longer the...

Date: 09/19/2005

I blogged earlier with some of the early news items and feedback on Language Integrated Query...

Date: 09/15/2005

Paul Vick gave a good PDC talk this morning on VB language futures. VB and C# are focused on...

Date: 09/15/2005

I've worked at Microsoft long enough that some of the products I helped deliver are now a bit long...

Date: 09/14/2005

We're getting strong feedback on Language Integrated Query (LINQ), both in-person at PDC and online....

Date: 09/14/2005

Today at PDC, we announced and demo'd Language Integrated Query (LINQ). LINQ consists of language...

Date: 09/13/2005

Soma has a good post on a late change we made to Nullable<T> for Whidbey, aka VS 2005 and .NET...

Date: 08/13/2005

Peter Golde, one of the original designers of the C# language, has been working recently on Power...

Date: 07/29/2005

Yesterday's Longhorn Beta 1 release is also accompanied by Win Fx Beta 1, which makes it easier for...

Date: 07/28/2005
