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Hello, world

One of the pleasures of working through the holidays, when few people are in the office, is to do tasks that I've been meaning to do for a long time.  So while the halls are virtually empty during this holiday week, I'm happy to start my blog and add my name to the long list of C# bloggers (

To get things started, I thought it would be useful for me to provide a brief bio.  My name is Scott Wiltamuth, and I’m the Product Unit Manager for Visual C#.  My group's mission is to grow a large and highly satisfied base of C# developers.  We have feature teams for the C# Compiler, CodeSense (meaning code-focused development features like IntelliSense, refactoring, automatic code formatting, expansions, etc.) and the Debugger (which we deliver as a shared component for Visual Studio -- it supports lots of languages, not just C#).

I've been at Microsoft since February 1993.  I started shortly after graduating from Stanford (BS in CS in '91, MS in CS in '92).  I have worked on a wide range of development tools, including OLE Automation, Visual Basic for Applications, VBScript, JScript, Visual J++, and Visual C#.  I've worked on C# since its inception, and am one of the designers of the C# language.  (Anders Hejlsberg is the Chief Designer of the language.)

On the personal side, I have a great family, including my wife Martha, my daughter Mimi (almost 5), and my son Ian (2 1/2).  In my spare time, I’m an avid triathlete and golfer.  (I'm no superman -- I don't have time to do both of these time-consuming sports justice, though I do try.)
