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Passing parameters from Managed code to X++ in dataset

In the user control code behing add an event handler to the CreatingDataSetRun event on the AxDataSource control

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.AxDataSource1.CreatingDataSetRun += new EventHandler<CreatingDataSetRunEventArgs>(AxDataSource1_CreatingDataSetRun);
}Set the param value  to the event arugments

void AxDataSource1_CreatingDataSetRun(object sender, CreatingDataSetRunEventArgs e)


e.DataSetRunArgs.parm =




In AOT override or add method in the data set and use element.args().parm() to received the paramter  

public void executeQuery()

 QueryBuildRange             custRange;
        custRange = SysQuery::findOrCreateRange(this.query().dataSourceNo(1), fieldnum(CustTable, AccountNum));


You can also pass an Enum. For example


AxDataSource1_CreatingDataSetRun(object sender, CreatingDataSetRunEventArgs e)
e.DataSetRunArgs.parmEnumType = EnumMetadata.EnumNum(this.AxSession, "EPFormAction");

public void init()

if (element.args().parmEnumType() == enumnum(EPFormAction) && element.args().parmEnum() == EPFormAction::CreateMode)
//do somethign here
