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Silverlight 2.0 Walkthrough – Creating a “Traffic Jam” game

This series of posts are not really in-line with my normal debugging posts, but I just created a simple Traffic Jam game in Silverlight and thought I’d make it into a “lab series” that you can go through if you are getting started with Silverlight.

The game is called Seattle Streets and it based on the popular board game Rush Hour® where you help a little red car move to the Exit square by moving the other cars out of its way in as few moves as possible.

The project for the finished game is attached to this post…

Design is not really my forte, this is what the game will look and feel like when we're done:


I have divided it up into a number of tasks:

Part 1 - Creating the main layout

Part 2 - Creating a Car user control

Part 3 - Using Linq to XML to read and generate the levels

Part 4 - Adding drag and drop functionality to move the cars around

Part 5 - Storing high scores in Isolated Storage with Linq to XML


In order to get the most out of these posts you should go through them in order.

Have fun,