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Your thoughts on VC++ product strategy

The Visual C++ product unit is currently in the process of refining its strategy for the post-Orcas timeframe.  We'll definitely share this strategy as soon as we're able to do so, but meanwhile I'd love to get your thoughts on how you'd like to see Visual C++ evolve.  Would you like better productivity features (Intellisense, refactoring, etc.)? More features for native code developers? More features for managed code? Better native-managed interop technology? Language features for concurrent programming? Better compiler throughput? Improved debugging? More MFC classes? TR1 support? Are there entire scenarios of development you think could be better covered? Something else?

Because it's easy to say "everything" when there's no cost associated, I'm going to make it a little more difficult: pick the top 4 things (either the things above or stuff you come up with yourself) you feel should be components of the Visual C++ strategy.  After picking those 4 things, pretend you have $100 total to invest in these 4 items and that investment must be divided among them.  You can invest $25 in each or weight your investments based on your opinion of an item's importantance.  So, for example, your investment mix might look like this:

Scenario / Feature area A: $50
Scenario / Feature area B: $25
Scenario / Feature area C: $15
Scenario / Feature area D: $10

Your opinions really do have the ability to influence the direction of the Visual C++ product, so I appreciate any input you have.