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Tim Cahill - WPF Performance Guidance, Thoughts, & Tips

This blog is no longer being updated or maintained, but it is archived for future use. Please direct...

Date: 11/02/2007

If you’re like the many folks who have asked us for a 'list of performance suggestions', your...

Date: 10/30/2006

Since I posted my initial article on command-line profiling, I've found a number of folks copy/paste...

Date: 09/07/2006

Background Over the past few months we’ve been getting feedback that manipulating 3D collections can...

Date: 08/31/2006

My colleague Henry Hahn & I have recorded a primer on WPF performance for all to see. Available...

Date: 07/28/2006

A couple days ago, an article was posted on the DevX portal discussing WPF graphics &...

Date: 06/22/2006

I’ve been getting a lot of the same performance questions over the last few months regarding the WPF...

Date: 06/16/2006

Just in case you haven’t noticed, Beta2 of the Windows Presentation Foundation went live on 5/23....

Date: 06/07/2006

I've 3 new tricks to add to a few of my earlier postings: 1. In my batch file for VSTS profiling I...

Date: 05/03/2006

I just found out something neat. VSTS tells you how many samples were taken in kernel mode....

Date: 04/25/2006

Recently I’ve been reading up on Rico Mariani’s blog. What a gem! One especially profound article...

Date: 04/13/2006

I've gotten a few questions about other profiling tools to use when profiling WPF applications. I'm...

Date: 04/05/2006

Pablo posted a great article over on his blog describing what a hardware-accelerated WPF means to...

Date: 03/22/2006

Over in the forums a handful of folks have pointed out that profiling WPF is less than seemless, and...

Date: 03/18/2006

Toward the end of my next-to-last post I suggested using the command-line to control profiling. I've...

Date: 03/08/2006

I'm working on an article for next week where I walk through a WPF performance profile using Visual...

Date: 03/03/2006

This is the first in a series of upcoming blogs about solving WPF performance problems. I’m going to...

Date: 02/27/2006

If you haven't already heard, the Feb. CTP of WinFX was released this morning. For me, this release...

Date: 02/22/2006

Welcome! I work on the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) performance team, focused primarily on...

Date: 01/30/2006