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Netbook or Notebook?

I can tell you, I love Windows 7 on the ASUS 1000HE. I mentioned it already? All this rah rah about netbooks are netbook and not notebooks and you only use them for web surfing. Windows 7 (Win7) and the 1000HE make all the difference. At least for me.

Over lunch I installed Office 2007. Yes, the full suite. As you know, I work for my personal favorite company, Microsoft. And we love email. Even though in the days of Twitter, Facebook and Co. you might call that a bit old fashioned but we get a lot of stuff done via email and Outlook is a must.

Outlook on netbook with 1024x600

The install went very smooth, as expected, no issues. I configured my mail profile via the control panel applet before launch. I use Outlook in non-cached mode. All data stays on the Exchange Server.

New email windows 1024x600

Then, launch of Outlook 2007. Pretty sweet. I honestly cannot feel the difference between my way more powerful XPS M1330 and this little netbook. Ok, maybe a tiny, tiny bit.

After lunch I had a meeting with the Windows Server 2008 R2 launch planning v-team. The lady next to me asked whether I use a netbook. Pride. “Yeah, I do. Wanna look?”  “Oh, you’re running Outlook … and Office? I thought of buying a Samsung NC10 myself. But how did you get Office installed and does it work?”

“Of course it works. And fast too.” More pride. "Thanks to Win7”, I could not resist to add. Being careful I also reminded her “Your mileage may vary. I only know it work great on the 1000HE.”

By the way, I’ve used the netbook now all day long, for email and web browsing (read: research) and the battery is down to 35%.

I should install ManicTime to figure out how long which app is used. But that is something for another post I guess.

Let me finish the post with this: Who needs a hacked Mac OS running on a netbook when you can have a legal copy of Windows 7?