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ALM Rangers Triage #4 - What happened to your idea in UserVoice?

If you have submitted an ALM Rangers solution idea, please locate it below and determine if you are happy with the status and comment.  We need your candid feedback to ensure we prepare for the next triage and action your idea appropriately!

This post is reflects the status as at 2013/04/03.

Where are we?

In terms of the FY13 timeline we are in the fourth quarter, fourth idea triage, and have just started sprint 10 as shown below.  The diagram also shows the second main wave of projects that started during March, with an expected spike on the backlog.

Reference posts:


We have transferred one idea and are inflight with 8 projects and in the process of possibly starting up another 2-3. While this presents a huge wave in terms of number of concurrent projects, we are dog-fooding the shorter cadence and smaller (more focused) teams.

We are reducing the features / scope of each project deliverable and releasing quicker to the community. This allows us to react to feedback sooner and iteratively work ourselves to a solution that meets the community requirements in a world where change is inevitable and continuous.

In terms of votes we have the following picture:



image_thumb[7] Ideas that have been completed since Triage #3.


image_thumb[6]   Ideas that have been approved and have an ALM Rangers team working on a solution.


image_thumb[5]   Ideas that are still under review and may be considered in future, transferred to another category or declined.


image_thumb[4]   Ideas that have been declined or transferred and will not be reviewed further by the AL Rangers.


That’s it!

Have we missed anything? Thoughts?