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Visual Studio Team System: Free Online Workshops

If you want to learn more about how to effectively implement Visual Studio Team System there is a great set of online workshops happening now which are getting rave reviews. What I really like about this set of content is that it’s not just your traditional marketing “feature dump” of what’s in each Team System box. Rather it’s practical guidance that you can take back to your teams today in order to help you more efficiently implement the software development improvements enabled by Team System.

Here are the details:

Microsoft has just made available a free resource to help our customers in understanding and implementing Team Foundation Server. The ALM Catalyst Live Workshops will help make sure your development projects are advancing with the greatest possible efficiency, consistency, quality, and time to market.

ALM Catalyst Live Workshops are a series of two-hour interactive workshops; repeated over a period of sixteen weeks giving you the flexibility to fit with your schedule.

The ALM Catalyst Live Workshops are designed to enable development teams and achieve these key goals:

· Understand the potential of Team Foundation Server in the enterprise

· Identify gaps in current use of Team Foundation Server

· Create higher-quality, applause-generating software—with less time and stress

Topics covered include:

· Keeping Projects on the Rails (Reporting)

· Avoiding Unpleasant Surprises (Deployment)

· Quality Matters (Testing)

· Making Process Stick

These workshops will help you understand and implement Team Foundation Server (TFS) to help simplify and accelerate the software development process and improve quality for teams of all sizes.