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Tagspace: Social Bookmarking for the Whole Web...from Microsoft

I am tickled pink 'n honored to announce the third release of Microsoft Tagspace*, a social bookmarking solution for technical professionals, like you. With this release, Tagspace becomes Microsoft’s first true social bookmarking application for the whole World Wide Web Web. Learn more about Tagspace and its potential to help you save, recall, and connect to the people, subjects, and Web-based resources that matter most to you here.

With today's release, you can now use Tagspace to:

  • Tag Practically Anthing on the Web--Apply tags to practically any site on the World Wide Web, excepting those that are known to contain offensive, malicious, and otherwise inappropriate content.
  • Browse Member Tags--See what other users have tagged and view their personal tag clouds, by clicking on their display names.
  • "Tag Drafting" --Subscribe to the RSS feed for a tag (like tagspace).
  • "Member Drafting" --Subscribe to the RSS feed for other members' public tagged items (my Tagspace RSS feed here;-), by clicking on their names and subscribing to the RSS feeds associated with their tagged items lists. 

Kudos to Taylor, TShak, Marshall, Huong and everyone else on the CDS team (including Dave, the Other Dave) who contributed to the successful development and deployment of this precedent setting release. You exceed exceptions, exceptionally.

*This is a Beta release. You can expect more pleasant surprises from the Tagspace team, especially if you're a software professional who digs social bookmarking tools, in the near future. Stay tuned and Chime in, because we'd love to hear your ideas for how we can improve Tagspace even more.