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Performance Quiz #9 : IList<T> List and array speed

A short and sweet quiz with lots of juicy discussion possibilities:

           public int Sum(IList<ushort> indices)
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++)
result += indices[i];
return result;

Considering only the time it takes to do the Sum (i.e. assuming we had already set up the array/list) which gives better performance and why?

           // #1
ushort[] tmp = new ushort[500000]; // this doesn't count
Sum(tmp); // this is what we are timing


           // #2
List<ushort> tmp = new List<ushort>(500000); // this doesn't count
for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) tmp.Add(0); // this doesn't count
Sum(tmp); // this is what we are timing

What say you gentle readers?

(my solution is now posted here)