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C# Soup To Nuts: C# and Windows Presentation Foundation

Well... after a little break, I'm back with the C# Soup To Nuts webcast series.  This time, with a new webcast about Windows Presentation Foundation.  This will be a quick introduction to what WPF brings to the table for C# developers, preparing you for my next webcast series called WPF Soup To Nuts.  Still finalizing the details, but stay tuned.

As we wind down this series, today, we're going to look at what WPF allows us to do.  I will introduce you to XAML and show you how it ties in with C# very nicely.  We'll then take a look at how XAML and WPF allow us to build web pages and desktop apps using the same language.  We'll explore the types of controls that WPF has and see how easy it is to modify them to suit your own look and feel requirements.

As always, demo code is attached.

See you there!
